Most of us enjoy the process of building jigsaw puzzles and marvelling at the resulting image that emerge. Embarking on a Business Intelligence initiative can be compared to building jigsaw puzzles: assembling hundreds of tiny pieces (of data) to reveal a captivating picture (integrated data picture!). BI requires meticulous planning, attention to detail and persistence. The result offers similar delight …
Do you know your Mesh from your Fabric?
Data Mesh and Data Fabric may sound baffling and it may even be a cause for some of our non-superhero misgivings. Think of these potentially complex data related concepts in a fun way by imagining both as superheroes with unique powers! Data Mesh is like a chameleon superhero that adapts to its surroundings, changing colours and appearance to blend in …
Bottoms up BOT – Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash Are you a fan of Bottoms up? No, in this case it is not the drinking game, but rather the intersection of Business Intelligence (BI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). While the two might seem unrelated at first, it turns out that BI actually forms a firm part of the AI foundation. Just as you need …
Attention all business intelligence enthusiasts! Does your BI system need a health boost?
Just like our bodies, our BI systems need a little TLC to perform at their best. Here are a few tips to keep your BI in tip-top shape: Next time you’re thinking about giving your body a health boost, don’t forget to give your BI system a good portion of care too. Maybe it is time for your next BI …
Business Intelligence Art through the Ages
Every so often a cascade of new technologies, buzz-words and ideas enter the already crammed information management world. Reasons for this range between more and different forms of data becoming available (being the most common motive), un-inaugurated personnel working with data (insufficient experience) through technology pundits wanting to sell the best-piece-of-software which will solve all data related problems, plus anything …
Never mind AI / ML
… or understanding Streamlined HDFS integration, ORC support, weather you know the difference between Classification and Regression, the importance of correlation and causation! First come to grips with understanding the fundamentals. Obtain a clear understanding of how to navigate this kind of project, importance of project management, gathering user requirements and learn about what aspects to consider for designing …
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Business Intelligence
In modern business language, Business Intelligence is something of a misnomer. Does having access to more data or using the best technologies really make a business more intelligent? Also, we always hear bigger is better. Although it’s true that greater volumes of data and modern technologies do provide scope for richer analytics, it is not the only ingredients for a …
Hoop-Hoop Hadoop
Hadoop has been a noteworthy development in the software technology sector, often touted as the greatest and must have solution in recent times. Unfortunately some cracks are now starting to show: the inability to obtain superior business insight faster than before due to tedious and complex data preparation and costly upkeep effort of the vast infrastructure. Hadoop’s inflexibility for ad-hoc …
Amazing Business Intelligence Amusement Parks
When last did you visit an Amusement Park and experience the thrill of a roller coaster ride? Very often we land on a merry-go-round situated in the BI Amusement Park. This is not a cool, calm, chilled-out play ground where we have zen-like experiences, on the contrary BI minds are usually exceptionally busy and distracted. Embarking on a Business Intelligence …
Beautiful Business Intelligence
( ( BD / AWLN ) + IoT ) / ( ML +AI ) = MD → (( “Big Data“ divided by “A Whole Lot of Noise”) plus “Internet of Things“) divided by (“Machine Learning” plus “Artificial Intelligence”) equals “More Data” ! Does not really look or sound beautiful does it? More data should mean greater capacity for leveraging analytics to …